

Before posting my first samples the other day, I meant to post a WELCOME to my blog. I have been resistant to blogging for sometime, but many friends and professionals I work with have asked me to do a blog so they can keep tabs on what I'm working on and see samples of my work. So here goes my adventure in blogging. Oh and I hated the templates they gave you to pick from...so after figuring out how to make my own with some beautiful designs from my friend Miriam Lima, I'm set!!

I probably won't post too many personal things on here, but now that I work for myself I spend many daytime hours talking to no one. So I'm hoping this will serve as my connection to the outside world, since my two dogs aren't much for conversation. After working all these years for other companies in an office, I'm thrilled at the opportunity I'm presented to work at home, in my jammies and for whomever needs my skills. Although so much of my time has been spent in the scrapbook industry, I'm so excited to open up new doors in other avenues and learn about them. I hope to put my talents with the computer and my skills with marketing to good use. 

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