Today I got to meet two of the most talented ladies I know for lunch. Both Fayette Terlouw and Annette Ward from Ettes & Company finally made time for me (wink) so we could visit, talk creative scrapbook ideas, digi designs and more. They still make me laugh a ton and I hope hanging out with them will help increase my own level of creativity. If you haven't already, go check out their new digi website..it's awesome and so are their designs. They can be found at EttesandComany.com or their blog, asktheettes.blogspot.com.
Thanks for a fun lunch girls!!
Heeeeey, Lori. We had a TON of fun today, too! Loved the AI Chatter (btw...I thought Megan should have been sent home tonight..but oh well, I guess she's too cute). Anyway, it's always so much fun to hang out with you, and it was great to meet Sandy too. We'll have to do it more often!
Yes Lori . . . it was A LOT of fun today! It was fun meeting Sandy too. Love what you did to Emma's room and all the projects you create. Your photobook is absolutely adorable. I think I may need to stop designing for a few days and make one myself! Anyway, let's do lunch more often. It's fun to catch up and just visit!
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